Saturday, August 16, 2008

Yummy muffin

Today my colleague belanja us the yummy muffins. Smells like choc, looks like choc, but it's not's orange walnut muffin.....*sigh* good.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mom's 2nd Anniversary

Yesterday (11 August 08) was Mom's 2nd Anniversary. I took the day off and went to the cemetery with Dad and cleaned up the place. We said our rosary there and then prepared for the night's rosary at home. It was a sombre day. Dad was quiet. I knew deep down he's still very much grieving Mom and Frank.

After cleaning (note the stupid flowers I got from a local stingy florist)

Dad cleaning up

Rosary at home that nite

Makan time

Monday, August 4, 2008

haru biru day

Today is Monday.Plus, new rules for our dealers effective today made our office phone the hotlines of the year.Some asked for clarification, some to complain, others to make us irritated.Stupid upper management, made rules and regulations disregard of what the effect may happen later.All they knw is to change and make it look modern and nice but the fact is it made our work tripled and tangled....dang!!